Core Programs for the middle school includes Religion, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, and Health. The first five subjects comprise the Academic Core.
Religion Classes All students are expected to participate in Religion classes and celebrations that take place during the normal school day. We encourage parents to attend these celebrations to highlight the importance and enrichment that religious commitment offers to our lives. Throughout the year children will celebrate mass at St. Mary’s Church. Preparation for the celebration of the sacraments is carried out in cooperation with St. Mary’s Parish and Sacred Heart Parish.
Exploratory Programs offer students an opportunity to experience additional programs which may include Band, French as a second language, Drama, Food Studies, Fashion Studies, Outdoor Education, Art, Information Technology, Design and Computer Technologies, Film Studies and Recreation Education.
French Program - Is set up so those students who successfully complete the four-year program in middle school may receive high school credits once they enter grade ten. This can be especially useful for students who intend to take a full and heavy class schedule in high school.
Physical Education is compulsory for all students. In middle school, students must wear gym clothes and running shoes designed for GYM USE ONLY (no black soles). Competitive sports opportunities are provided through our Middle School Inter School League.