Principal’s Message

Welcome to the new school year at St. Francis of Assisi Middle School!

I am excited and honoured to embark on this journey with our vibrant community. As your principal, I am committed to ensuring that every student thrives and actively participates in their learning journey. Our dedicated staff remains unwavering in their devotion to fostering success for each student, focusing on a well-rounded education that includes faith, academic excellence, fine arts, and sports.

This year, we will continue to offer a diverse array of extracurricular activities, all grounded in the St. Francis tradition of success, teamwork, and achievement. These opportunities not only enhance our students' learning experiences but also contribute to their personal growth and development.

At St. Francis, we are deeply committed to maintaining a safe, caring, and welcoming environment. Our school community is built on the foundation of our core pillars: Be Joyful, Be Humble, Be Loving, and Be Forgiving. We believe that by working together and supporting one another, we will create a wonderful and enriching school year for all.

We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to our parents for their continued support and involvement. Your engagement is vital to our shared success, and we encourage you to actively participate in your child's education. We are always eager to welcome parent volunteers, whether in the classroom, on our school council, or at various school events throughout the year.

Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Let’s make this year extraordinary together!

God Bless,

Mrs. Rori-Lynn Daniel
St. Francis of Assisi Middle School

Prayer for the New School Year

Heavenly Father,

As we begin this new school year, we ask for Your guidance and blessings upon our school community. Grant our students the wisdom to learn and grow, the courage to face challenges, and the strength to embrace their unique gifts.

Bless our teachers and staff with patience and inspiration as they nurture and guide each student. Help them to create an environment of kindness and respect, where every individual feels valued and supported.

We also ask for Your continued protection and support for our families. May they find joy and fulfillment in their involvement with our school, and may their partnership with us be a source of encouragement and strength.

Inspire us all to live by the values of being joyful, humble, loving, and forgiving. May we work together in harmony and compassion, always striving to serve one another and build a community of faith and excellence.

We place this school year in Your loving hands, trusting in Your divine plan.

In Your Holy Name, we pray.
